Child running through the woods at Wildlings Nature Play

A Rudolf Steiner inspired nature play aimed at 0-5 year olds nestled neatly in a 20 acre woodland at a biodynamic farm in Stockwood.

The farm is the original setting and inspiration for the BBC radio show 'The Archers', the first recordings having happened around the kitchen table in front of the fire in the farmhouse!

Wildlings Nature Play is owned and run by Luu, a former SEND key worker who also holds a degree in Visual Communication.

Inspired by her son River and his need for the outdoors, Luu has created a welcoming space for children and young people to lead their own learning with the help of the people at Rush Farm that promote Rudolf Steiner philosophies.

It is very exciting to be situated within the stunning 20-acre woodland at the farm. On some days you may be fortunate enough to spot the traditional Hereford cattle herd whose horns are kept intact or the lively Llyn sheep flock.

Child running through the woods at Wildlings Nature Play
Child running through the woods at Wildlings Nature Play
Child running through the woods at Wildlings Nature Play

Activities & Free Play

Make potions, rest a while in a teepee of branches, exchange acorns for vegetables at the farm stall, discover the pulleys and ropes, and take part in positive affirmation art and Faerie crafts! Explore the flowers and moss and soak up the beauty of the woodland and its many inhabitants all year round!

Child running through the woods at Wildlings Nature Play
Child running through the woods at Wildlings Nature Play
Child running through the woods at Wildlings Nature Play

Book a session

  1. Choose a session that suits from the schedule
  2. View the details and select the ticket required
  3. Click 'View selections' to review your basket
  4. Once happy with your selection, click 'Book now'
  5. Complete booker details and payment information to finish

Activities will vary from week to week but there will always be something fun to explore. These sessions are aimed at 0-5 year olds but children up to 7 as long as they are mindful of the smaller children, are welcome and we also have an area for non-walkers with natural sensory objects for them to experience.

Tickets sold via

Download welcome pack
Child running through the woods at Wildlings Nature Play
Child running through the woods at Wildlings Nature Play
Child running through the woods at Wildlings Nature Play

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